The utilization of insect-derived Sf9 cells provides an alternative to the HEK293 cell line for AAV production, employing a baculovirus expression vector system instead of plasmid transfection. Sf9 cells are more suitable for large-scale, high-density, serum-free suspension cultures, although it remains imperative to monitor and minimize host cell protein impurities to ensure therapeutic efficacy and stability.

The Sf9 HCP 3G Solution for Gyrolab consists of the Sf9 HCP 3G Assay Reagent set for Gyrolab, developed by Cygnus Technologies, is exclusively designed and optimized to be used together with the Gyrolab Bioaffy™ 4000 HC Assay Toolbox

  • Automated workflows – reduced manual operations
  • Broad dynamic range – over three logs
  • Fast turnaround – 96 data points in 100 minutes
  • High throughput – up to 960 data points in a working day

The Sf9 HCP 3G Solution for Gyrolab is derived from the same antibodies and antigen used in the Cygnus Sf9 HCP 3G ELISA kit, Cat# F1040. The reagents are generic in the sense that they are intended to react with essentially all the host cell proteins (HCPs) that could contaminate the product independent of the purification process.

This simple to use, high throughput, and semi-quantitative assay can be used to aid in optimal purification process development, process control, routine quality control, and product lot release. 

GRAPH: Comparison of results for Sf9 HCP 3G Solution for Gyrolab and Cygnus ELISA kit for samples from various points in the purification process of a viral vaccine product.

Gyrolab ordering information
Cygnus ordering information

Gyrolab ordering information

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Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 HC Assay Toolbox

Contains 1 CD and all buffers and consumables needed to generate 96 data points (1 CD). P0020852

Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 HC Assay Toolbox CD50

Contains 50 CDs and all buffers and consumables needed to generate 4800 data points (50 CDs). P0020863

Gyrolab HCP Sample Dilution Buffer

Extra sample dilution buffer for Gyrolab Bioaffy 1000 HC Assay Toolbox. P0020670

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Cygnus ordering information

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Sf9 HCP 3G Assay Reagent set for Gyrolab

Contains anti-Sf9 HCP capture and detection reagents and Sf9 HCP antigen concentrate. Sufficient quantities to generate 96 data points (1 CD). G1040