HEK293 expression systems are commonly used in the production of adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentiviral vectors for cell and gene therapy applications as well as in manufacturing of some vaccines and biopharmaceuticals.

HCP impurity levels must be monitored throughout the purification process and in final product, and should be reduced to the lowest practical levels since HCPs may be immunogenic, interfere with drug efficacy, or impact drug stability. The Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Kits provide the following benefits:

  • Broad coverage of impurities – limits the risk of not detecting important HCPs
  • Robust assays – low volume reagent requirements of Gyrolab mean precious antibodies last longer compared to traditional ELISA
  • Precise and accurate results – Enhanced generic 360-HCP approach with Gyrolab automated pipetting reduces repeats
  • Automates HCP detection – 10 minutes hands-on time and results in 90 minute run time

The Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Kit Reagents are available in two different types; HEK293 HCP Type SN (Supernatant) and HEK293 HCP Type CL (Cell Lysate). This allows selection of the kit most appropriate for the specific process.

This simple to use, high throughput, and semi-quantitative assay can be used to aid in optimal purification process development, process control, routine quality control, and product lot release.



Gyrolab ordering information

Gyrolab ordering information

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Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Type CL Kit Reagents

Includes capture reagent, detect reagent, and stock standard solution for 1 full disc run. (Disc not included). P0021075

Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Type CL Standard

Stock standard solution (200 µL, 2000 ng/mL). P0021076

Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 HC Assay Toolbox

Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 HC, wash buffers, HCP sample dilution buffer, plates, foils. P0020852

Gyrolab HCP Sample Dilution Buffer

Sample dilution buffer (25 mL). P0020670

Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Type SN Kit Reagents

Includes capture reagent, detect reagent, and stock standard solution for 1 full disc run. (Disc not included). P0021078

Gyrolab HEK293 HCP Type SN Standard

Stock standard solution (200 µL, 2000 ng/mL). P0021079

Gyrolab Bioaffy 4000 HC Assay Toolbox CD50

Contains 50 x Bioaffy 4000 HC microfluidic discs and all buffers and consumables needed to generate 4800 data points (50 discs). P0020863

Type SN (Supernatant); Type CL (Cell Lysate).

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