Increase lab productivity in cell and gene therapy with Gyrolab® miniaturized ELISA technology

Increase lab productivity in cell and gene therapy with
Gyrolab® miniaturized ELISA technology


Using an affinity flow-through format, highly reproducible nanoliter microfluidics, and parallel processing, the Gyrolab platform simplifies assay workflows and shortens run times while delivering high-quality immunoassay data.

Whether you’re looking for a complete system, a kit, or components, our platforms miniaturize, integrate, and automate your sample analysis at scale, maximizing your productivity and helping your lab make data-driven decisions – fast.


Gyrolab − Proprietary CD technology that delivers results

  • One-hour, high precision automated immunoassays

  • Low sample and reagent consumption

  • Exceptional reproducibility

  • Flexible assay format, plug-and-play kits, custom assay development, own reagents.

Gyrolab automated systems
Plug-and-play kits and solutions
Custom kit development
assays with your own reagents

Cell & Gene Thereapy Resources


Tuesday April 18th

Zhe Liu, webinar

Familiar with the challenge of monitoring the concentration of a transgene product when true reference material is missing. Listen to this online webinar to learn how Alliance has addressed this challenge.

Webinar on demand



Testimonials of why our customers prefer Gyrolab over ELISA

Testimonials of why our customers prefer Gyrolab over ELISA

Improved dynamic range resulting in less repeat testing and potentially more accurate results

“Less sample volume required per test replicate (8 μL vs 200 μL)”

“Improved turn-around-time (1-hour vs 4-hour)”

New to the Gyrolab technology


The Gyrolab technology is a powerful way to increase productivity of immunoassays, generate reproducible data and make data-driven decisions more quickly.

View the introduction to the Gyrolab platform


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